Friday, October 29, 2010

Apple Pie to Soothe the Soul

In my feeble attempt to trick my mind into believing that I am not worthless (because I hurt and I don’t work), I try to accomplish at least something every day. Yesterday I made an apple pie.

In the morning I went to the Farmer’s Market in Raleigh and bought a bunch of fresh, delicious apples. I loved that each vendor had samples of the numerous varieties. Side-by-side sampling makes a difference in deciding which tastes better for baking pies or plain eating. Who knew there were so many choices – Black Arkansas, Mutsu, Honey Crisp, Sun Crisp, Golden Crisp, Winesap, etc. YUM! In the afternoon, I baked my pie including a home made crust.

It took me all day. Some of you may laugh – how hard can making a pie be? But for me, the peeling and slicing of 6 cups of apples (maybe 15 minutes max) was torture. With rest and pain medicine, I did it! So that was my accomplishment for Thursday … and breakfast today! YUM!

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