Friday, September 24, 2010

Saturday is TakeBack Day

GOT DRUGS? Saturday, September 25, 2010 is National Take-Back Day where you can turn in your unused or expired medications for safe disposal. Learn more (and to find your drop off site) at the Take Back Day website.

It’s not OK to hold on to those percocet pills you got years ago when you had your wisdom teeth pulled (or whatever example you want to use) just in case you may need them someday. It’s not safe. Drugs (even legally prescribed) laying around can be stolen, abused, mis-used (think kids going through the medicine cabinet looking for some fun on Saturday night when you are out).

I’ve been cleaning out the medicine cabinet(s) at my house and will take a bag full of medications to my local take-back collection site. I hope you do too!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ABC News Comes to my Pain Talk

Last night, I talked to the Triangle Fibromyalgia Positive Energy group about Pain Awareness Month and our local ABC TV station came. Tisha Powell and the cameraman spent over 45 minutes with us getting the story. Can’t wait to see the story on TV … probably next week.

The picture is of Anchor Tisha Powell interviewing group leader Cathy McCarthy.

I just may become a regular viewer of ABC 11.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I need a nap!

In many ways, busy is good. Just not right now. I have been so busy, the pain has increased … and so had the need for a nap. I took yesterday off from thinking APF and pain. I never made it out of the house and spent the day trying to take care of myself.

Today, I still required a nap and I’m still not near 100%, but I did get out and delivered an APF display to another area library. I got a request to speak to another area pain support group. And, I got a call from one of the anchors from the local ABC evening newscast – they want to do a story on Pain Awareness Month next week. Cool! That’s after I gave two presentations on Tuesday. I guess I deserved a day off. Heck, come October, I think I’ll need the month off. But, I’m trying to make an impact.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1 voice in 10,000

I just added my voice to the American Pain Foundation's 10,000 voices campaign during Pain Awareness Month. You can watch me here. And you can add your own voice. Please join the APF Virtual March at

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Parts is Parts

The biggest news is actually the article I was quoted in (click here to read) and the amazing amount of follow-up it produced. I’ll write more on that later, but that’s not my #1 priority right now (plus all the phone and computer work has me exhausted and in more pain than usual).

But first, yesterday I went to see an Orthopedist because I am experiencing increased pain in my arm. The pain clinic doctor (who doesn’t really diagnose, just treats specific pain) said the arm pain was referred from my shoulder. This got me concerned because 18 months ago my husband had rotator cuff surgery and while it worked for him, I don’t want to do that. My x-ray is clean. The pain is rotator cuff tendonitis and the treatment is physical therapy and stretching exercises. Although the doctor says people wear out, I still think the pain is related to my back. I definitely compensate for the back pain by using my right shoulder and arm differently.

I am happy it’s only tendonitis, but I’m concerned that doctors only look at parts and pieces and not the WHOLE body – the entire body is one big unit and is inter-related. It’s not just independent parts and pieces. I so miss my primary care physician (who left her practice) who cared about my WHOLE body. I hate being just parts and pieces.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

OMG … Sweet Shots at Chili’s after a Crazy Day

The synopsis. I PLANNED on …

1. getting ready early to go to the Raleigh City Council Meet to receive a proclamation naming September as Pain Awareness Month

2. resting

3. going to the meeting

4. coming home and resting. Period.

So much for the plan. At 9:35 am, I heard about a NC legislature meeting regarding prescription drug abuse. By 10:10, I was at the meeting in downtown Raleigh listening to some sheriff saying he is seeing lots of people get ‘large’ doses of Rx pain medicine and then becoming addicts; it’s a huge problem (with no statistics to back up his claims) and he needs access to the reporting system so he can aggressively target abusers because the doctors aren’t doing a good job (and I’m to believe that a sheriff knows more about my pain medications than my doctor … hmmm). Anyway, I’ll have more to report on that later as we develop a plan to make sure that the legislature (and the public) hears another side of the story and that people with pain have a voice in the development of the NC state government plan.

Then on to the Raleigh Council Meeting where Cathy of the Triangle Fibromyalgia Positive Energy Meetup Group and I picked up the proclamation!!!

Then home to deal with reporters and other ‘pain’ requests. And I hurt. So much for cavorting around Raleigh (in shoes no less because I thought that would be appropriate for the government). I just told my husband (my wonderful husband!) that I couldn’t chop an onion if my life depended on it. So, he took me out to dinner at Chili’s. And, we ended dinner with Sweet Shots – cinnamon roll, red velvet cake and fudge brownie. YUM! I may be in pain, but I’m happy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Catching Up Day

The past week has been a haze. A wonderful weekend in Atlanta. Then delivered Pain Awareness Month displays to five area libraries. Went to my monthly pain clinic doctor appointment. American Pain Foundation conference call. Sent media alerts all over preparing for September 7 Raleigh Council meeting where I’ll receive a proclamation naming September as Pain Awareness Month. I am worn out.

Today, I am resting and catching up on stuff around the house as well as making future doctor appointments.

I saw a new doctor at the pain clinic and told her about the pain in my arm. I always think everything is related to my back, but maybe this isn’t. She said tendonitis or arthritis or bursitis and thinks shoulder. 18 months ago my husband had rotator cuff shoulder surgery. In my big push to avoid the pain getting worse and absolutely needing surgery, I decided to go to the orthopedist to get my shoulder checked out. I hope it’s just arthritis and NSAIDS and pain medicine is the treatment. Appointment next week.

I also have been diagnosed with a uterine prolapse. I was not happy at all with the treatment by the doctor I saw. She didn’t listen to me and help me find the right treatment plan. So, I’m going to try another doctor in another practice. There aren’t a lot of Uro-Gyn doctors around here. Hopefully, this one will be better than the first one. Appointment: October 22 (yup, it takes seven weeks to even get to see the doctor).

Health care reform? I say fix the current system first … before adding more people into the system. Happy Labor Day weekend … and don’t forget to go to to learn more about Pain Awareness Month.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 1: Pain Awareness Month

Please go to to sign up for the Virtual March. Stand up for people in pain.

On Day 1 of PAM, I went to my regular monthly pain clinic doctor appointment. I saw a new doctor so we spent extra time talking about my pain. I said that my pain had increased lately but I wasn’t sure if it was a tolerance build-up to my current medications (which includes extended release morphine) or an increase in activity (in preparation for PAM). The idea of medication rotation was introduced – should I switch to fentanyl patches? I don’t know. That sounds kind of scary, so we decided to wait till the end of PAM and see if return to lower levels of activity help better control the pain.

We also discussed “paying a price.” I said when I do something ‘stupid’ like going to the Braves game and carrying around my awesome grandson, I hurt more. The doctor suggested I should substitute ‘enjoyable’ for ‘stupid.’ Everyone deserves some enjoyable times!

After the doctor appointment and PAM display deliveries to 3 libraries, I almost fell asleep driving home. Could barely make it inside. Found the first chair and took a nap.

But, the good news is sitting at the pain clinic waiting room, I talked to several people who were excited about the information I gave them on the American Pain Foundation. And the governor’s office called – they are sending a letter of support for APF/PAM efforts. Hooray! Let’s all join together to make a difference for people with pain.

What a Way to Start off PAM

In pain.

September is Pain Awareness Month. And what am I doing on the first day to celebrate? Going to the Pain Clinic for my regular monthly appointment. That makes sense, huh?

I am in pain right now … but as I usually say … it’s worth it. This past weekend, we went to Atlanta. My organizational-savvy daughter planned a family get-together which included getting together with her family from Nashville and my husband’s two older sons (and a girlfriend), a Braves game (the best ending ever), good dinner, and lots of fun. The best part for me was holding grandson Brady on my lap while he napped during the game.

Why, oh why, does holding a baby or walking or standing, etc. have to hurt so much? It’s frustrating. And now I am still recuperating. But before I finish recuperating, I’m off to set up Pain Awareness Month displays at several area libraries.

I fight pain by taking action! Will you join me in this month’s Virtual March? Go to