Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Enjoyment from a Simple Glass of Wine

I longingly remember the days when my husband and I would enjoy a glass of wine, or local wine tastings, or visiting wineries. No more.

Last weekend my husband bought a bottle of wine sure to please my sweet-leaning palate. Yum. We were hanging out with a plate of crackers and cheese and one glass of wine. It tasted wonderful. It was fun. It was simple enjoyment.

20 minutes later and I was sound asleep. The room had been spinning and I couldn't move. Can't a girl get a break and one evening of enjoyment? Not me. I take an opiate pain killer to reduce the chronic pain from my broken back. I would never drink much and certainly not in a public situation, but I just thought I could get by during a simple evening at home with my husband. Not anymore. Not even one small glass of wine is OK these days.

I know, it's not the end of the world and there are plenty of other things to enjoy. I know I'm whining. Sometimes I just have to say it. Living with pain is no fun! OK, I'm over it and ready to move on and enjoy the day -- without the wine or whine!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Weather Changes Mean Body Changes

It's gray again today. The weatherman says that later today the sun will return, along with wind. That's means the barometric pressure is changing and my body is feeling every change ... and not in a good way.

Also adding to my current body challenges is my firewood pile. Last Friday, I got firewood and stacked it neatly. I knew I would pay a price for my efforts (but sometimes you have to be willing to pay a price to get things done). The price I am paying is lasting longer and more intensely than I expected. I'm going to have to rethink the firewood trip next year.

I even resorted to taking a muscle relaxant, along with an extra pain killer. I'm not happy with my body today and realize that even if I WANT to do something fun, I really NEED to just rest and recuperate (and maybe make cookies for my wonderful husband -- but I promise I'll use the electric mixer and not do the mixing by hand which adds to the back spasms).