Sunday, December 5, 2010

The 3 Minute Doctor Appointment

I went to my monthly appointment at the pain clinic on Friday. Statistics show that doctors typically listen for 18 seconds before making a diagnosis, but I have never had a three minute doctor appointment before … and it’s not with a doctor, but a PA.

I’ve been going to this pain clinic for six months now and almost every month I see a different PA. I’m a person who likes to build relationships and have continuity and consistency. I want my doctor to understand me. Not here. The PA started out by asking how I was doing. I said fine. In the past, that would elicit a follow-up set of questions regarding my activity level, what is causing pain and talking about how I was feeling. Not here. The PA said, “Good, so which prescriptions do you need refilled?” Since she didn’t seem interested I didn’t tell her about the new anti-depressant or the weather/pain changes. And, at last month’s appointment, that PA wanted me to try a TENS unit and supposedly ordered one for me. This PA didn’t even mention it. Shouldn’t it be in their notes?

So, in less than three minutes I took my one prescription and left. I just don’t think health care should be like this, but if all the practices are overcrowded and overworked and just trying to meet their quotas, I guess it is the way the game is played nowadays.

I left and met Mike for lunch. He likes me … and that makes life in NC bearable.

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