The synopsis. I PLANNED on …
1. getting ready early to go to the Raleigh City Council Meet to receive a proclamation naming September as Pain Awareness Month
2. resting
3. going to the meeting
4. coming home and resting. Period.
So much for the plan. At 9:35 am, I heard about a NC legislature meeting regarding prescription drug abuse. By 10:10, I was at the meeting in downtown Raleigh listening to some sheriff saying he is seeing lots of people get ‘large’ doses of Rx pain medicine and then becoming addicts; it’s a huge problem (with no statistics to back up his claims) and he needs access to the reporting system so he can aggressively target abusers because the doctors aren’t doing a good job (and I’m to believe that a sheriff knows more about my pain medications than my doctor … hmmm). Anyway, I’ll have more to report on that later as we develop a plan to make sure that the legislature (and the public) hears another side of the story and that people with pain have a voice in the development of the NC state government plan.
Then on to the Raleigh Council Meeting where Cathy of the Triangle Fibromyalgia Positive Energy Meetup Group and I picked up the proclamation!!!
Then home to deal with reporters and other ‘pain’ requests. And I hurt. So much for cavorting around Raleigh (in shoes no less because I thought that would be appropriate for the government). I just told my husband (my wonderful husband!) that I couldn’t chop an onion if my life depended on it. So, he took me out to dinner at Chili’s. And, we ended dinner with Sweet Shots – cinnamon roll, red velvet cake and fudge brownie. YUM! I may be in pain, but I’m happy!
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