Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Always Tired

I woke up this morning tired. I’m always tired.

Part way through the day, I’ll be trying to do something productive at my computer and I’ll fall asleep sitting at the computer. That’s only a small problem. It was a much bigger problem when I was driving home from Tennessee Monday. The Raleigh-Nashville drive that used to take just over 8 hours, now takes over 10. I had to stop several times to take short power naps.

Am I tired because I don’t sleep well? Or because my brain uses too much energy fighting pain? Or because I take prescription pain medication? Do I sleep poorly because I hurt? Or do I hurt more because I sleep poorly? Where does sleep apnea fit in?

No matter what the root cause or the symptoms, I am tired … always. I plan my life around being tired. How do you deal with it?

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