The Christmas tree looks great. Mike and I are having a relaxing Christmas day at home. Just us … and the cats. It’s almost lunchtime and we are still in our PJs.
For breakfast I made caramel-pecan monkey bread. Big YUM! We each grabbed hunks and enjoyed it with a glass of eggnog. A perfect Christmas morning.
Tigger enjoyed the wrapping paper. Punk (the other cat) is nowhere to be seen. He doesn’t like any noises or activities out of the norm so unwrapping presents was scary for him.
I cooked a feast for Thanksgiving so Mike is cooking our Christmas dinner feast. I’ll be sitting in front of the fire watching out the window for the snow we are supposed to get later today/tonight.
Hope you are enjoying your Christmas – wherever you are. You could come and visit us – but please call first so we have time to change out of our jammies into something more appropriate for company.